Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's day 2013

This year mother's day was interesting.  Aaron started not feeling well yesterday,  and this morning was worse. He was tired and a just not himself for most of the day-although we still had fun. For starters I got to sleep in a bit thanks to chris! Then we played games all morning and had donuts for breakfast. Then I got to take nice, long, hot shower which I don't do often. While i was doing that the boys picked up and vacuumed the downstairs.  However, in the middle of all that the vacuum just died. Chris took it apart to try to fix my it, but it was to no avail. At least I have a backup for now. Around lunch time we went to a new pizza place suggested by one of my friends. It was fantastic!  Following lunch we went to barnes and Noble where Aaron got a newset of books since he's really progressing well, and alex got the second book  in the hatchet series. Going to have to get him a kindle or nook. Especially since you can check books on the library via those devices for free! Then we came home, the boys rode bikes for a bit while I fnished  my sewing project.  For not sewing since 7th grade I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. We ended the evening with a little tv and bedtime stories. Now chris and I are going to eat chuys and play a board game followed by star trek or antiques road show. Happy mothers day all!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Busy but fun weekend

We had a busy weekend this weekend and we didn't do any traveling. On Saturday Alex had two soccer games to finish out the season. He played great, but he was worn out! My mother in law was able to come see Alex his very last game, and the boys got to hang out with her which they love. We also found Aaron the next size up in bikes at a yard sale since he's out grown his other one. So that's all he wanted to do! He loves riding his bike and scooter.

Sunday morning we all just hung out, played games, and read books. Alex was excited to get his hands on diary of a wimpy kid #6 via Chris's Kindle. He made it half way through before we made him go outside for a bit. Then we were off to a birthday party for a teammate of Alex's at a place called main event in Austin. Alex got to go bowling and we all got to play a bunch of different arcade type games. Alex and I battled it out in air hockey (I won), and aaron had fun shooting stuff.

After we finally left there (3 hours later), we went to Barnes and Noble. The kids had been exceptional all week (and weekend) so we told them we'd get them a book. Aaron has been starting to read (Thank you scrabble cheez-it's) so we specifically wanted to get him some beginner books. We did and he's doing amazingly well for being 3.5. I have a few videos on my Facebook Page if you haven't seen them. I'll try to up load them to my you tube Page too. Alex picked out the book Hatchet. He got four chapters in before bed tonight and said, "this book is awesome!"

On the way home, the boys had some chocolate. We weren't paying attention and Aaron took off his entire wrapper. His hands were COVERED in chocolate. Thankfully he's a great listener and got all cleaned up without with out touching anything. We finally got home about six, got the boys jammified, got them in bed, and now we're ready to hit the hay already! The laundry can wait for another day we're going to watch antiques roadshow!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Family youtube channel

Below is a link to YouTube channel we created when we first moved to Texas. I though you all might be interested in it. I haven't uploaded anything a while, but plan to start doing so again when I can. Please bear with me as life with three young boys is always interesting to say the least.