Friday, April 26, 2013

Quick snippet about my latest project

This is my latest project. This is actually for Alex's teacher for teacher appreciate week which isn't for another couple of weeks, but I went ahead and made it up as I didn't want to forget (and I was excited to do it). Alex said he didn't think she was allergic to peanuts so here's to hoping : ) I wish I had more people to make these for as they are fun to do. Maybe I'll find reasons to make these up, lol. I didn't have the correct ribbon so I will have to get that next time though. Alex and Chris both thought it was awesome.

1 comment:

  1. This is great Kate! I use to make these for the kids for special cross country meets! I think I made one for Heath with only "heath" bars!
    Try making shaped cookies (like flowers) and put them on skewr sticks to make a fun treats too!
